Clerk & Membership Director - Deb Donovan
Paxton, MA - 508-735-9345

My husband Dan and I have owned an '88 Spider since 2008. Cars were always Dan's hobby. However, once we owned the Spider and joined AONE, I caught the bug too. The club's variety of events has things we both enjoy (like Gimmick Rallies for me and Tech Sessions for Dan). Dan and I annually host the AONE Wachusett Regional Road tour. We enjoy sharing our "backyard" with our AONE friends who don't often get to see anything but the Mass Pike when traveling through central Mass. I joined the AONE Board in November 2022 as Director of Membership. My first goal was to ensure that our membership data stays up to date. I hope to find new ways to retain and grow our membership by sharing the sense of community among members, the opportunities for networking, and learning from other Alfisti.